
    Country: Belgium
    Province: Antwerp (BE)
    Location: BE - Heist o/d Berg | Lier
    Therapist for: Men, Women
    Therapy form: Body De-Armouring, Deep tissue massage, Tantra coaching, Tantra massage (lingam), Tantra massage (yoni)

    About me

    Tantra massage VeraThere was a time in my life when I was lost from my life’s path and disconnected from myself. For years, I lived a lifestyle filled with various pleasures, using them to escape the discomfort I felt within. This ultimately led to burnout in 2016.

    Tantra/Dearmouring, Compassionate Inquiry®, and shadow have been transformative for me. I allowed traumatic experiences the space and time they needed to be transformed. Through this journey, I gained a deeper understanding of my emotions, behaviour patterns, and sub-personalities, which led me back to inner peace and self-love.

    I would like to share this transformative experience with you. I'll guide you with love, attunement, and empathetic abiding presence to everything that arises, providing a safe and nurturing environment for your personal growth journey. I offer you a space to reconnect with yourself fully, allowing you to feel your emotions and let your energy flow freely. I invite you to embrace the journey to your inner self.

    Detach from your thoughts and connect with your body. Listen to it’s wisdom, transform the old, and welcome the new.

    With my background in Tantra, Dearmouring, Compassionate Inquiry® (Gabor Maté), and other modalities, I'm here to provide you with a welcoming and supportive space. There's no greater beauty than reconnecting with yourself in a safe and nurturing environment.

    I warmly welcome you.

    Training and education

    I am a Certified Compassionate Inquiry® Practioner and a Internationally Certified Therapist with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM).


    • Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship (Certified Compassionate Inquiry® Practioner) – February 2024 Cohort – Gabor Maté
    • Internship Gabor Maté
    • Facilitating Tantra Massage Workshops – Intro to Tantra

    Before 2024 I will have completed the following courses:

    • Professional Training Compassionate Inquiry (240 hours) – Gabor Maté
    • Compassionate Inquiry Circles – Gabor Maté
    • Beyond Addiction Program – Sat Dharam Kaur
    • Suicide Attention Training – Gabor Maté
    • Master Certified Professional Life Coach – CLCI
    • Fundamental Practitioner's Training - The Gaia method
    • Female Sexuality and Dearmouring – The Gaia method
    • Depth massage – School of Life
    • Sports massage – Wellness Academy
    • Tantra Trainings – Temple of Tantric Arts (Professional Tantra massage Training – Woman's Tantra retreat – One Year tantra training, various tantra 4-day workshops, assistance with various workshops)
    • Communicating Desires, Needs and Boundaries in all Your Relationships - Wheel of Consent - Art of Consent
    • Holistic massage - East West Center


    Tantra massage

    Vera massage praktijk tantraTantra is about allowing your life energy to flow. It's not about thinking, but about 'being' – letting go of thoughts and fully experiencing your body. Tantra encompasses enjoyment, awareness, connection, and self-love, among other things.

    A tantra massage focuses on activating life energy. By opening energy centers and channels, blockages can transformed, allowing your life energy to flow freely. Tantra brings you closer to your essence, is a path to self-realization, authenticity, and connection with your higher self, your divine nature.

    Throughout our lives, our bodies store emotions and experiences, which can manifest as various physical and mental challenges that hinder our life potential. When we achieve a deep state of relaxation, the connection with our body is restored, reducing or eliminating these complaints. As our life energy flows freely again, we come into our power, connected with ourselves, and can fully enjoy life.


    Before we start the massage, we'll discuss your current needs. During the first session, we'll take more time for an exploratory chat.

    Then, we'll create a space of peace and openness where you can share your intention and boundaries. These will be respected throughout the session. While a yoni or lingam/prostate massage can be included, it's entirely optional. You'll let me know what you're comfortable with. This is necessary to allow you to sink deeper into your body, feel emotions, and potentially transform any traumas.

    You will receive the massage with warm organic oil, on a futon.

    After the massage, I'll give you time and space to integrate everything you've experienced during our session.

    Shower facilities are available and included in the price. Shower use is not counted as part of the session.

    Please note that I do not conduct sessions in the nude, and I practice a one-way touch experience: I give, you receive.
    Sexual interactions, kissing, or a "happy ending" are not part of this massage.


    Tantra massage| Dearmouring

    • 2h - €195
    • 2.5h - €235

    Deep massage | Sports massage

    • €55/hour in Heist
    • €65/hour in Lier

    Coaching - Compassionate Inquiry

    €65 per session via Zoom or in-person

    From the first telephone contact I had a good feeling with Vera, during the conversation during the first session she immediately gave me confidence with concrete agreements about boundaries and wishes. I had already had many massages, Vera's Tantra massage was the most energetic I could receive so far. Everything was right, everything felt good, the multiple full body bursts of energy have lingered for a long time.

    With the utmost respect, Vera, namasté.

    Marc (session 1) [therapist: Vera]

    Vera is a beautiful, sympathetic lady who knows what she is doing. She immediately puts you at ease and gives your body the attention it deserves. I already have a lot of experience in different types of massage and tantra is one of them. Comparing is always difficult, but with Vera I still feel a connection that I had lost for a while. Hours later I still enjoyed the warm and loving touches. I really needed this. Thanks for the loving massage and you will definitely see me again.

    L.V. (session 1) [therapist: Vera]

    It is said that the degree to which you can receive a massage mainly depends on how receptive or open you are as a recipient. For the first time at Vera I had the feeling that the 'massage skills' can make the difference. With Vera I felt the deeper talent of massage. During Vera's massage I felt really seen. I felt extremely safe, secure and cared for. That lowered me so that I could be myself and at the same time show what was going on inside me. Thank you, Vera, for your golden hands that always gave me the feeling that I could really and simply be myself.

    Gert (session 1) [therapist: Vera]

    Are you pregnant?
    Additional cost of 100€ for rental space, petrol and extra time (excl. duo & 4-hands)
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    PAY ATTENTION! Zoë only gives coaching, NO MASSAGE!
    View Frederike's profile for more information about the possible sessions.
    For an appointment, please only propose dates from November.
    Energetic organ massage
    Neuro-emotional integration
    Given by Christophe and Saskia
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Given by Christophe and Tine
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Longer session possible (+ 50€ per extra 30 min)
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    These sessions include conversation, preparation and ritual, massage of 1.5-2h-3h, refreshing and aftertalk.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    More info at personal contact
    Please note: Take into account a waiting time of up to several months!
    Contact preference. I want...
    Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes a day?
    Do you drink alcohol? If so, how many days a week?
    How did you end up on this website?


    Tantra massage appointment

    Make an appointment and if possible already suggest some dates.

    Yoni massage

    Yoni massage

    Experience the healing effects of a yoni massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Lingam massage

    Lingam massage

    Experience the healing effects of a lingam massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Pelvic floor massage

    Bekkenbodem massage

    Relax the muscles of your pelvic floor through a pelvic floor massage and thus help avoid or solve a whole range of painful problems.


    Tantra yoni massage testimonials

    Read some testimonials to get a better idea about the therapists and how a massage is experienced.


    Tantra massage videos

    Watch some videos to see and hear more about tantra massage, including a demo video of a session with Saskia.