
    Country: Belgium
    Province: West Flandres (BE)
    Location: BE - Kortrijk
    Therapist for: Men, Women
    Therapy form: Duo massage, Energetic massage, Lomi-lomi massage, Relaxation massage, Tantra coaching, Tantra massage (lingam), Tantra massage (yoni), Tantra massage workshop

    About me

    Tantra massage Saskia

    I've come a long way to get here...

    And I am quite proud of where I am now and how I stand in life! It was not so obvious because until a few years ago I actually had very little self-confidence, I was stuck in life, the sadness, disappointments with work and health. However, my life experiences have brought me to where I am now, partly by giving a lot of care to myself in recent years, by following powerful workshops about self-love, by discovering Tantra hatha yoga level 1 and by receiving Tantra massages. I started to accept myself more and more as I am… Layer by layer I worked on myself, I became stronger and I got more and more self-confidence, I learned to love myself… I can say that there is a Saskia from before Tantra and a Saskia from after Tantra… My goal is to make people aware that things can be done differently, you can break free from old patterns, you can learn to love yourself, you can be there as you are, forget perfection and embrace the imperfect… Life can be very beautiful, it is very beautiful, every morning we get a new chance so grab it with both hands! Also know that light and dark belong together, because without the dark we would not appreciate the light. Enjoy every little happiness in life to the fullest. Sadness will always be there in many forms, fear will always be there in many forms too, learn to embrace it instead of pushing it away and look it straight in the eye, yes it hurts but it's part of who you are. Embrace it and let it be, so it can dissolve or soften with time…

    I am not a psychologist or physiotherapist, I work by feeling and from my own life experiences. I certainly don't know everything and you don't have to… You can always learn something in life.

    Course & rates

    For me, tantra massage and lomi lomi massage are about:

    • Experiencing
    • Loving attention
    • Loving touch
    • Security
    • Giving trust / gaining trust
    • Making a connection
    • Slowing down
    • To be liberated from time
    • An inner journey
    • Letting go
    • Healing power
    • Self love
    • No judgment
    • No pressure to perform, you can just be, you don't have to
    • Be a listening ear
    • Being able to just be there, every emotion is welcome. A smile, a tear, anger, shame, whatever comes up, we let it be and embrace it, it's ok...
    • Surrendering
    • Respecting boundaries, both by me as a giver and by you as a receiver!

    Tantra massage

    We start with an introductory meeting where you can express all your questions and doubts and where boundaries are discussed. This way you can relax for a while before the start of the massage.

    Then it's time to get changed, there's a big towel waiting for you. You come to the mat after undressing (this massage is given on a mat, so there is a better energy flow). There you get the choice to either lie down on the mat immediately or to make a short connection before the massage starts.

    Start of the massage, time to dream away to your deepest being… First I massage the entire back of the body (shoulders/back/legs/feet). This gives you the time to go to a deeper state of relaxation, you can fully come to yourself… Then I ask you to turn around and I massage the entire front of your body (chest/abdomen/arms/hands/legs ). Every part of your body gets attention, you can be there completely. I give you my full attention and loving touch, this in all gentleness… Then we close the massage.

    After the massage you will have time to return to the here and now. May you feel and feel what this massage brought about for you… This can be different with every massage, it depends on what is going on in your life at that moment.
    Every massage is always a unique experience.

    Lingam & yoni massage

    Lingam and yoni massage are the treatment of the genital area and can be part of the tantra massage. However, this will only happen when it feels safe for both you as the recipient and for me as the giver. When I feel it's not the time to do it, it won't!

    Why we also massage the genital area is because we store a lot of emotions in our pelvic area… Through massage this can provide relief from blockages so that the energy can flow back better.

    Hygiene is very important, both by me as the giver and you as the recipient of the massage. Please therefore always take a shower or bath before our appointment.

    Lomi lomi massage

    See lomi lomi massage.

    Duo tantra massage

    You can also opt for a duo energetic/tantra massage together with your friend or partner.
    The massage is given by Christophe and myself, in one room where 2 futons (mats) are side by side.
    It is also possible to shower before and after the massage.

    Duration: 3h

    Tantra massage Saskia session room


    Tantra massage: 

    • 2h30-3h – 200€ (incl. lingam/yoni massage)

    Lomi lomi massage:

    • 2h30-3h – 200€

    Duo tantra massage: 3h – 400€ (2x 200)

    At the moment only cash payment is possible. Please pay appropriately.

    I had big doubts. Can I open up?
    Now I wish I had taken this step earlier. I entered scared as a broken person, searching for himself and blocked on all levels.
    Yes, a psychologist can help…. But this releases so much! This is not just a massage… this is rediscovering yourself!
    So much is released, things you are not aware of!
    To everyone who feels scared, ashamed or whatever….
    Open up, it helps you. And you are really put at ease by the giver. And I have experienced that it is give and take. A great feeling.

    S. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    I was allowed to drift away under Saskia's capable hands during a LomiLomi massage. Not a quick treatment, but a few hours in a quiet environment with soft, yet sure, touches. Afterwards I needed some time to 'come back', because I felt that at a certain moment I was really gone for a while. While I sometimes seem to have trouble switching off my thoughts during other massages, it turned out that this was no longer a problem after a while. The duration of the treatment certainly plays a role in this, but the love with which Saskia takes you 'in her hands' is also a genuine added value. You feel the passion and the will to let you float away for a while, and that is an art. Long story short; worth repeating and highly recommended.

    K. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Thank you for the incredible experience.
    S. and I enjoyed it and talked about it a lot this afternoon.
    Maybe see you again and a big thank you! ❤❤

    S. en A. (session 1) [therapist: Christophe, Saskia]

    Saskia is very friendly, pure nature, you immediately feel that you are welcome. Saskia is also an excellent listener and does not look at the clock. Her practice is also located in a surprisingly quiet, natural environment. I felt like I was in a paradise with an Ardennes feeling, never thought that Kortrijk had such places.
    After a refreshing shower, the really emotional massage started, I have never turned so deeply into myself as then. Many emotions passed by me. I had been thinking for years to undergo a tantra massage but was never quite ready for it. Until now, it was really a great experience. Partly because Saskia immediately puts you at ease, my mindset to relax and her Being have ensured that it became a very emotional experience for me.
    I am therefore very grateful to Saskia for these intense 3 hours (even a bit longer).

    Saskia's practice is very hygienic, cozily decorated, shower is also available and wonderful to use before and after. The shower made sure that I could let the last things flow away via the drain.

    I dare say that everyone feels at ease with Saskia.

    Her practice is therefore a top address.
    (For information, this is my first experience in the world of Tantra, but certainly not my last).

    I really like Saskia's Tantra.

    Thank you very much for this experience,
    Keep up the good work Saskia!

    F. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Thank you Saskia for your time, the chat, and your professionalism during this 2nd session.

    Once again I enjoyed it. Once again I am amazed at the flow and energy you put into your massages.

    Christel (session 2) [therapist: Saskia]

    Good morning Saskia, thank you again for yesterday. For safety, security, your listening ear,..
    That I could surrender to your loving touches. I feel refreshed (despite the warm weather)🥵😅
    A boost of energy to stand up for myself again.
    Thank you and see you next time.😊🙏

    N. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Sincere thanks Saskia for these unique 3 hours of tantra.

    I was quite nervous about this first experience. A first step into the unknown, but I am very happy to have taken it. I am convinced that tantra will have its healing effect.

    Saskia is a calm, warm person who puts her heart and soul into her massage.

    It is indeed about purity, softness, security: simple and oh so beautiful to be able to receive. Away from the hectic world... back to the essentials. Let us not forget or believe again that we are certainly worth it.

    It's gradually coming in more and I only now fully realize how much you touched me, especially during the second part of the session.
    No matter how much you felt for me by suggesting I wipe my eyes. Yes, I would have been embarrassed lying on my back. I could hide well on my stomach. So difficult to show myself 'naked' as a woman, vulnerable. I could enjoy the cloth. So you see. The yoni massage... also felt well by you. Honestly, I think I would have said yes, even though it probably would have been too much at once. It wouldn't have ended on the beautiful note it ended on. Your hands guide mine on my chest. And hold it for a moment. I won't forget this anytime soon. What you do is so beautiful. What you can do for your fellow human beings with this. The symbolism I take from it is that you showed me that I can be there, that I can like myself and take care of myself. A nice ending to this first introduction to tantra.
    The essential is invisible to the eyes.

    Will end by saying that for the time being there is a wonderfully beautiful feeling inside and at the same time a few tears roll. Oh this has become so hard, crying.

    Dear Saskia, you certainly deserve a lot of respect, as you also treated me very respectfully this morning. Not so obvious in this world.

    V. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Hi Saskia, 
    I'm just starting to get out of my fallow period, which, like any experience, is very formative, so today I'm ready to give you my feedback on my two previous sessions. I understand and feel that my journey of exploring the practice of tantra through massage, is a deep reconnection to my body and my life energy that I have repressed for a long time and which little by little by welcoming and letting express what must, I let myself be taken in the discovery of my blockages, traumas experienced in this life and much more. To release all this, your gentle and loving accompaniment is a great help, without trust and a secure framework I fear I wouldn't have been as receptive to the sessions. A real intense and profound therapy, thank you for allowing this. 

    M. (session 2) [therapist: Saskia]

    Dear Saskia, from my heart and without ulterior motives:
    You know, what I experience with you is very overwhelming.
    I never thought or expected that this would affect me so deeply.
    After the second tantra massage I am completely convinced that I took the right path.
    The 1st session with you was already an incredible experience.
    When I was on my way to you for the 2nd session, I was afraid that it would now be less sensitive.

    Inside I hoped that it would be as intense/good as the 1st time.

    But yeah …..

    “It couldn't be better than then.”

    Even though I also thought at the time: that's not what it's about.

    Even though you told me, every session is different...

    I had decided not to expect too much and to try
    to open up to you again. I was going to see what was coming.
    So I was not at all prepared for what I was going to feel/experience/experience.
    The security you made me feel made me so happy.
    That feeling was all-consuming and left a deep impression on me.
    I felt your purity coming in. I really felt you inside me, it was like
    as if we were spiritually connected. And you accepted me as I am, for who I am.

    I don't know if you realize how much joy this did and still does to me!

    A few days later I also feel calmer. I feel more like myself.
    This helps me so much, it does me so much good!

    Saskia, thank you very much for your help and contribution in my search for a better 'being'.

    I really appreciate what you do for me and how you do it!

    Thank you for accepting me as I am!!!!!
    (yes, I know, I'm repeating myself. 😊 😊 😊)

    P. (session 2) [therapist: Saskia]

    I have been actively working on improving my mental and emotional health for several years. A 'real' tantra massage had been in my mind for a while.
    However, it took me some time to find an authentic tantra massage, regardless of the misunderstandings. I was looking for an experience focused on spirituality and wellness, not sexual services.

    Finally my eye fell on Saskia. After much deliberation, I made an appointment and walked in at 8:50 am.
    I was quite nervous at first. Fortunately, Saskia's friendly appearance quickly put me at ease.
    After a conversation of almost an hour, I was allowed to undress.

    The first 10 to 15 minutes was a relaxing massage. I was still a bit tense, but I felt more at ease.
    Suddenly a calm came over me and all tension and nervousness completely disappeared.
    I still can't really describe what followed. A journey of sensory exploration and deep relaxation.
    The attention Saskia gave to my body. This was so much fun! This felt so good!
    Suddenly Saskia came to my hands. I felt an intense connection and that moment really touched me deeply.
    Her touch gave me a deep connection with my own body.
    I had never experienced this before. No one has ever touched me like this before.
    Actually, a week later, I still can't quite grasp it.

    Saskia, from my heart, a sincere THANK YOU.
    We'll see each other again soon.

    P. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    It has been a while since I underwent an energetic massage. I started searching online and my eye fell on 'tantra massages'.
    It was the first time I was triggered to read more about it.
    No idea why, because I actually linked this to 'something about sex' and why would I have sex with someone else if I have an intimate relationship that I feel good about?

    I read with fascination and my whole body read along.
    How it went, the benefits afterwards,....
    It appealed to me enormously. What's more, I also read about the yoni massage and immediately I thought "I have to do this".
    Anyone who is familiar with these concepts knows that tantra yoni is a step further than regular tantra.
    Now that I knew what it entailed and I knew that I wanted to have such an experience, I started looking for experienced givers in the area.
    I read every page on their site and every possible review.
    If you surrender yourself wholeheartedly to someone, and make yourself so vulnerable, it must be a professional person who does it the way it should be done.
    My preference was for a woman, this felt more right to me.

    Okay, I had found the right -educated- woman for me.
    After some emails back and forth, the appointment was in my agenda. I found it super exciting and thought it was good of myself that I would allow myself this.
    I was really looking forward to it.

    As always, I arrived too early.
    It was a sunny autumn day and I enjoyed the warmth on my face for a while and checked for the last time whether the sound on my phone was turned off.
    I went in and it immediately felt good.
    Nice and warm, bright and ready (but not too).
    There was music playing and there were smells that I knew from my meditations at home.

    Time was taken for an introductory meeting.
    Everything was explained well and I was allowed to undress.
    With a large, soft, black towel around me, I walked - still somewhat uncomfortably - to the mattress.
    I lay on my stomach and Saskia sat next to me, dressed in comfortable clothes.
    The massage started and there was not much difference from a normal massage for the first half hour.
    Of course it became more intense and intimate towards the end, but I was prepared for that.
    Not for a single second does it feel wrong.
    It is not my intention to discuss the two and a half hour massage in detail.
    I can say that there was nothing erotic about it. I didn't climax either in case you were wondering, that wasn't anyone's intention.
    As I lay there and tried to surrender myself to every touch - difficult for a control freak by the way - I could only enjoy it.
    In my head I kept telling myself how beautiful I thought this was. 'Beautiful' was the word that kept coming back. I kept saying 'thank you'.
    That I discovered this, that I allowed myself this, that I could and was allowed to experience this, that I dared to do this, that I actually had no problem with it at all despite what it entailed, that it is even more special than I could imagine .
    I felt different, even though you couldn't see anything on me, difficult to explain, but I had become more of a woman.
    I had healed a little more, grown further and came closer to my true self.
    For me it was a success. Wondering if I will do this again.

    L. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    The hustle and bustle of daily life, children and renovations committed a serious attack on our general well-being. Low energy and fatigue resulted in less patience and irritability.
    We recognized that it was urgently time to put the brakes on and do something together for ourselves as a couple.
    In our search for new challenges and insights we came across this duo massage. We didn't hesitate for long to go for it and waited curiously but also a bit nervously for the planned date.
    As an introduction to tantra, we opted for a duo massage with Christophe and Saskia because we wanted to experience it together as a couple, but at the same time this brought concern about whether we would be able to let ourselves go sufficiently in the presence of the other ...

    After arriving, we immediately felt at ease in Saskia's comfortable studio. We were given time and a listening ear to get to the story and that way you feel that you are gaining confidence and it is also easier to get into the flow.
    A lot of time is taken for the massage itself. The structure makes it easy to surrender yourself and go with the flow.

    I felt surrender to the movements and that created a lot of energy that you feel everywhere in the body. It was a blissful experience after which I had to sit for a while to recover. The next day I felt energized and although it was a busy day of chores, I didn't worry about things that would previously energize me. My mindset was exactly reset.

    Friday's blissful relaxing massage made a big impression on me.
    Afterwards I was completely overwhelmed and even shocked by the repressed sadness you unleashed in me. Couldn't stop that either and somehow that wouldn't have been good for the healing process I think. I was a bit concerned about it towards B., but luckily he was not inconvenienced by it in his massage.
    Saturday and yesterday I was still very tired, but today I already feel a lot lighter and more happy inside. I also have more reserve when performing my work. Experience less stress than usual and can put things into perspective better.

    Thank you Saskia and Christophe. We will schedule a next session as soon as possible!

    B. en M. (session 1) [therapist: Christophe, Saskia]

    Hello Saskia,

    It's been a year since we met and you gave me that wonderful experience, still present in my heart today. 
    I'd like to do it again if it's OK with you.

    Warm regards

    B. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Hi Saskia,

    Nice to hear from you. Thank you for the email following our session.

    It was indeed a very powerful experience and a lot of emotions came up. It was also a very beautiful experience where I felt intense energy shooting through my body and had multiple experiences of a full-body orgasm. I felt very safe in your hands and relaxed in your beautiful studio so I was able to really let go of myself and surrender to the experience. You gave me your full attention and put so much of your energy into the session, for which I am very grateful. I can still feel some of the energy in my body and am letting it all just sink in.

    Once again, thank you for everything you gave me. It was truly a beautiful experience, that I hope to come back for again later.

    KR (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Hi Saskia, thanks again for the good treatment. I'm still enjoying it fully the days after.
    Happy to have discovered you and that I can enjoy your talents.
    It was also a pleasant chat.

    L. (session 2) [therapist: Saskia]

    Hi Saskia,

    We wanted to let you know about this 😉
    We were talking about you and our sessions this weekend...
    This really did us both good... First of all we talk a lot more about our sexual experience, desires, do's and don'ts, something extra…
    Also confessed that I already had a previous session with you, and this is relief.
    In addition, our intimate experience has become completely different, reborn .... happening much more often, more is allowed, in different ways, both fully enjoying, feeling energy flow intensely ... something that we used to think not possible ..
    In short, for us this is really a new dimension
    You will definitely see us again, we both agree on that 😉
    So, we just wanted to share this with you.
    Thanks again and see you soon!

    Anoniem koppel (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Thank you for your time, space, security and serenity.
    It did me a lot of good...
    I feel a little more free in my own skin now...

    Peter (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    In June ’22 I decided to take the plunge to my 1st Tantra massage. All this was completely new for me to literally expose myself to someone I did not know at all. So I went there with a bit of a feeling of discomfort and a nervous/exciting feeling.

    From the first moment I saw Saskia I felt the tension already flowing away… Saskia exudes a lot of peace and confidence, which made me feel very safe with her very quickly. During a 3 hour session with Saskia I was treated with great respect and love. This session has healed very deep wounds for me.

    I understand that many people think 200 euros is a lot of money ... that is indeed not cheap, even for me this is a considerable amount as a single person. But I am very grateful that Saskia has come on my path and that I have spent that well-considered 200 euros on this session because in the end this has become an investment in myself and that is worth so much more than that visibly physical 200 euros. I am therefore convinced that I will book another session with Saskia at an appropriate time in the future.

    Warm greetings

    B. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    It was an amazing experience as a whole. Serene environment, away from it all.
    Saskia leaves plenty of room, a place to be in peace and with your integral self.
    It was a surprising and honest experience.

    C. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    It was my first experience with Saskia but I certainly did not regret it.
    Her practice is quietly located in a green setting, very neat and tidy.
    The usual intake interview is not unnecessarily long. You are immediately put at ease.
    Saskia takes you from the first touch into a blissful feeling. You no longer have a sense of time and you completely relax.
    You can fully enjoy yourself and you do that spontaneously.
    After the massage you can quietly “wake up” again, without haste.
    I will definitely go back.

    D.A. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Thank you very much for the warm massage and the great energy that I have received.
    What a holistic experience.
    Never had such an orgasmic massage.

    Geert (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    The massages I received from Saskia were deeply relaxing. Saskia massages intuitively and through her presence creates a safe space to do nothing at all and enjoy. From an attitude of "nothing is necessary" you can come to your own home for a while. Saskia touches from sincerity and connection. Very nice experiences.

    Hugo D. (session 1) [therapist: Saskia]

    Are you pregnant?
    Additional cost of 100€ for rental space, petrol and extra time (excl. duo & 4-hands)
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    PAY ATTENTION! Zoë only gives coaching, NO MASSAGE!
    View Frederike's profile for more information about the possible sessions.
    For an appointment, please only propose dates from November.
    Energetic organ massage
    Neuro-emotional integration
    Given by Christophe and Saskia
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Given by Christophe and Tine
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Longer session possible (+ 50€ per extra 30 min)
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    These sessions include conversation, preparation and ritual, massage of 1.5-2h-3h, refreshing and aftertalk.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    More info at personal contact
    Please note: Take into account a waiting time of up to several months!
    Contact preference. I want...
    Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes a day?
    Do you drink alcohol? If so, how many days a week?
    How did you end up on this website?


    Tantra massage appointment

    Make an appointment and if possible already suggest some dates.

    Yoni massage

    Yoni massage

    Experience the healing effects of a yoni massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Lingam massage

    Lingam massage

    Experience the healing effects of a lingam massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Pelvic floor massage

    Bekkenbodem massage

    Relax the muscles of your pelvic floor through a pelvic floor massage and thus help avoid or solve a whole range of painful problems.


    Tantra yoni massage testimonials

    Read some testimonials to get a better idea about the therapists and how a massage is experienced.


    Tantra massage videos

    Watch some videos to see and hear more about tantra massage, including a demo video of a session with Saskia.