
    Country: Belgium
    Province: Antwerp (BE)
    Location: BE - Aartselaar
    Therapist for: Men, Women
    Therapy form: Access bars (energetic head massage), Reiki, Tantra coaching, Tantra massage (lingam), Tantra massage (yoni), Tantra massage workshop

    About me

    Tantra massage Sara

    I am Sara, who has been on the path of spirituality, yoga and tantra for some time now. My greatest wish is to radiate some light and warmth.

    For years I have been telling everyone... FOLLOW YOUR HEART, make your dreams come true!

    Today I finally follow my own advice...


    • 2003: Foot reflexology
    • 2016: Energetic therapist
    • 2018: Reiki master
    • 2022: Tantra massage therapist
    • 2023: Tantra massage therapist advanced
    • 2023: Tantra teacher spirituality and sexuality
    • 2023: Family constellations


    Tantra massage

    Tantra is the science of energy, authentic tantra does not equal sex. Tantra is an attitude to life, accepting everything that is and also deciding to consciously work with what is.

    Tantra ignores judgments, beyond the socially imposed "rules", more than just the body is touched, it is the recognition of the soul in the other, an expression of deep gratitude and the highest respect for each other and for life.

    A massage can only be booked after a telephone intake interview.

    I completed my training at the Somananda tantra school in Estonia. I am a tantra massage therapist (basic and advanced) and tantra teacher. This school is an authentic school of white tantra (spiritual purposes).

    I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul within (Rumi)


    Reiki has its origins in Japan. “Rei” stands for universal and “ki” stands for life force.

    It is a soft energy that has a supportive effect on body and mind. The energy flows through the practitioner's hands.

    Reiki has a profound, supportive effect on body and mind.

    Access bars (energetic head massage)

    Access bars are 32 points on the head that are gently touched, slowing down the brain waves to the theta state. You are, as it were, reset.

    The treatment promotes brain function, emotional stability and concentration.

    Indicated for unrest, anxiety, burn out and depression and/or sleep problems, ... Also for those who simply want more peace of mind.


    Tantra massage

    2.5h - 240€


    75m - 90€

    Access bars (energetic head massage)

    75m - 90€

    Sara's openness, softness and spontaneity made it very easy for me to fully surrender during the tantra massage.
    Every centimeter of my body was honored and allowed to be there, so that I could really come back home to my body after a difficult period.
    The life energy was generated and circulated, I was able to enjoy it intensely for days, but even now, a few weeks later, I still feel strong in my body.
    What a beautiful real woman that Sara is, with whom you can connect energetically and be taken into the magical experience of a tantra massage.
    Thank you!

    T. (session 1) [therapist: Sara]

    At the beginning of this month I received my first tantra massage from Sara. I didn't really know what to expect, but wow! What a wonderful experience! Sara makes you feel completely at ease and respects all your boundaries. I thoroughly enjoyed the massage with full dedication. Above all, I felt good and beautiful in my own body again. Highly recommended if you want to reconnect with your body.

    S. (session 1) [therapist: Sara]

    Sara is truly a fantastic woman who does her work with heart and soul. She is very charming, sweet and above all smiley. I can recommend her to everyone. She really is a rare pearl!

    Olaf C. (session 1) [therapist: Sara]

    Are you pregnant?
    Additional cost of 100€ for rental space, petrol and extra time (excl. duo & 4-hands)
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    I will inform you as soon as possible of the additional costs for kilometers and extra time
    PAY ATTENTION! Zoë only gives coaching, NO MASSAGE!
    View Frederike's profile for more information about the possible sessions.
    For an appointment, please only propose dates from November.
    Energetic organ massage
    Neuro-emotional integration
    Given by Christophe and Saskia
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Given by Christophe and Tine
    Given by Christophe and Anke
    Longer session possible (+ 50€ per extra 30 min)
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    DO NOT suggest dates on weekends please
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    Double rate applies for duo massage.
    These sessions include conversation, preparation and ritual, massage of 1.5-2h-3h, refreshing and aftertalk.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    View my profile with whom I can give the massage.
    More info at personal contact
    Please note: Take into account a waiting time of up to several months!
    Contact preference. I want...
    Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes a day?
    Do you drink alcohol? If so, how many days a week?
    How did you end up on this website?


    Tantra massage appointment

    Make an appointment and if possible already suggest some dates.

    Yoni massage

    Yoni massage

    Experience the healing effects of a yoni massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Lingam massage

    Lingam massage

    Experience the healing effects of a lingam massage in terms of health and sexuality in a harmony of touch and energetic work.

    Pelvic floor massage

    Bekkenbodem massage

    Relax the muscles of your pelvic floor through a pelvic floor massage and thus help avoid or solve a whole range of painful problems.


    Tantra yoni massage testimonials

    Read some testimonials to get a better idea about the therapists and how a massage is experienced.


    Tantra massage videos

    Watch some videos to see and hear more about tantra massage, including a demo video of a session with Saskia.